August 20, 2018
Hey all, its been so long since I last wrote a blog that my old blog had grown cobwebs and looked literally dusty. So I decided it was time for a new start.
LOTS has been happening in my world. This year has been an opportunity for me to reset stacks of things; new paintings, this blog, and a new shiny website. Yay! Thanks heaps to Beck at Berekah Communication Design for the website upgrade!
After several years of busy, busy pace (house renovating, studying a degree and then moving interstate and then…illustrating a book) I finally have time to get things rolling again in the world of art.

Dhiiyaan, Bethel, in Dalby QLD.
Recently, I installed several of my paintings in a shop in Maleny QLD., called Poshippie. Its a great space in the main street and Jen, the owner, is dedicated to supporting local artisans. Her plus-size clothing line is also all made in Maleny. Worth a visit.
Im working on a new body of work at the moment. Towards the end of the year Ill be having a few months hanging space in another well known local art space, Sarah’s Unplugged. More news on that later. For the moment, Im painting, painting, painting.
A few weeks ago I was privileged to be able to paint a mural for the Dhiyaan community in Dalby, QLD. This was a profound and memorable experience, with the mural being a colla-

Afternoon at Dhiiyaan, Bethel, in Dalby QLD.
boration between me and one of the community members, Larry. A very special process of lived reconciliation.