Open Studios Sunshine Coast
Open Studios Sunshine Coast
Open Studios Sunshine Coast
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About Lara

Lara Cooper is a contemporary painter in Oil and Watercolour, producing work based in the observation of the beauty and simplicity of real life. With a deep appreciation for the technical skill of painters of bygone eras, and a love for light and texture, her work could be described as modern impressionism infused with a feminine outlook.

  Finding story in everyday moments, Lara captures snapshots of life that might otherwise go by unnoticed, bringing viewers to remember something innate, to find joy and contentment in life’s ordinariness. In contrast to much of modern life, known for it’s immediately gratifying entertainment and noise, her work does not seek to jar, but calls back quietly to something deeply shared in the human story. With this view firmly on her radar, she paints landscape, still-life, portraiture and figures in a sort of peaceful rebellion, doing it the slow way, with ever better eye through hours of practice.

  Lara was recently selected as a finalist in the Brisbane Portrait Prize for 2023 for the captivating portrait of her daughter, actor Minette Cooper. Her work is held in collections locally and globally.

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